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14 docs tagged with "transformation"

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add margins

Encases one structure within another by adding the second structure to the top, left, bottom and/or right of the draft.


Crops the structure or pattern to a region of the input draft. The crop size and placement are defined by the parameters. This operation follows a model similar to graphics editing software where one specifies the x,y coordinates of the top left of the crop and then the width and height to "cut out". You can also use trim to do the same thing using different parameters.


Generates an output draft that mirrors the input draft from left to right and/or top to bottom as the parameters indicate.


Inverts the draft so that raised warp ends become weft picks and weft pics become raised warp ends.

make symmetric

Rotates and 'stamps' the input draft around a corner, creating rotational symmetry around the selected point according to the parameters described below.


Generates an output draft that is the same as the input draft, but rotated by the amount specified.


Generates an output that is shifted to the left and top by the number of warp ends and weft pics specified in the parameters.


Shifts every nth pic by the value given in ends. It is an application of the mathematical principle of the slope of a line (e.g. rise/run) to drafting (every x picks, move y ends to the right)


Repeats each warp and/or weft by the values given in the parameters.


Trims off the edges of an input draft according to the parameters described below.

undulate warps

Given a user specified input of a series of number, it shifts every end by the value specified in the corresponding location of the user specified input. For example, if 1 3 1 is entered, it shifts the first end to the down by 1, second to the down by 3, third down by 1

undulate wefts

Given a user specified input of a series of number, it shifts every pic by the value specified in the corresponding location of the user specified input. For example, if 1 3 1 is entered, it shifts the first pic to the right by 1, second to the right by 3, third by 1