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A loom simply holds information about the threading, tieup and treadling that can be used to generate a particular drawdown. threading is an array the same size as there are numbers of warps. Each value in the array is a number, corresponding to the frame upon which this warp will be threaded through. The indexing for the threading begins at 0 and increases to support the total number of frames required. treadling is an array the same size as there are numbers of wefts. Each value in the array is a number, corresponding to the treadle to press. The indexing for the threading begins at 0 and increases to support the total treadles of frames required. The tieup is a 2D array of boolean values representing if the treadle in the column is tied to the row corresponding to the frame.

export type Loom = {
threading: Array<number>,
tieup: Array<Array<boolean>>,
treadling: Array<Array<number>>

There are a number of helper features to assist in easily getting, setting, and reading loom values in a file located at: src/app/core/model/loom.js


The loom util stores specific functions that can translate a drawdown to a loom, or vice versa. Different types of looms have different functions and methods for recomputing.

export type LoomUtil = {
type: 'jacquard' | 'frame' | 'direct',
displayname: string,
dx: string,
computeLoomFromDrawdown: (d:Drawdown, loom_settings: LoomSettings, origin: number) => Promise<Loom>,
computeDrawdownFromLoom: (l:Loom, origin: number) => Promise<Drawdown>,
recomputeLoomFromThreadingAndDrawdown:(l:Loom, loom_settings: LoomSettings, d: Drawdown, origin: number) => Promise<Loom>,
updateThreading: (l: Loom, ndx: InterlacementVal) => Loom,
updateTreadling: (l: Loom, ndx: InterlacementVal) => Loom,
updateTieup: (l: Loom, ndx: InterlacementVal)=> Loom,
insertIntoThreading: (l: Loom, j: number, val: number) => Loom,
insertIntoTreadling: (l: Loom, i: number, val: Array<number>) => Loom,
deleteFromThreading: (l: Loom, j: number) => Loom,
deleteFromTreadling: (l: Loom, i: number) => Loom,
pasteThreading: (l: Loom, drawdown: Drawdown, ndx: InterlacementVal, width:number, height: number) => Loom,
pasteTreadling: (l: Loom, drawdown: Drawdown, ndx: InterlacementVal, width:number, height: number) => Loom,
pasteTieup: (l: Loom, drawdown: Drawdown, ndx: InterlacementVal, width:number, height: number)=> Loom


This type stores the particular user-defined settings associated with any given loom. This includes the type of loom that this set of settings is associated with. The epi or density of the loom. The units by which densite is computed. It also holds the number of frames and treadles that the user describes their loom having.


export type LoomSettings = {
type: string,
epi: number,
units: 'cm' | 'in',
frames: number,
treadles: number,