Generate Files for a CompuDobby
AdaCAD allows you to download .WIF files that can be directly uploaded onto our AVL CompuDobby Loom . The video below walks you though this process.
Step-By-Step (Create File)​
This example will use the Draft Editor to make a draft. Start by navigating over to the draft editor by selecting "Draft" on the topbar's design mode tobble.
Update the draft to match your loom's settings by specifying the number of ends, picks and frames in the looms settings panel on the left side of the screen. Make sure your loom type is set to "Direct Tie/Dobby"
Start drafting. We usually start with the toggle pencil which toggles draft cells between black and white. If at any moment you want to copy/paste, use the select pencil to copy the draft within a region and paste it elsewhere.
Play with different color schemes by using the material pencils. You can also use the select pencil here to copy a segment of your color sequence and paste it across the warp or weft to repeat it.
View your draft in the viewer to explore the color effects and structure in tandem.
Step-By-Step (Upload to the Loom)​
- When you are ready to weave, download the draft you'd like to weave by clicking the download at the bottom right corner of the interface. This will save a .WIF file where-ever your computer stores downloads from the web. The default name for every draft is "drafty" so the file will be saved as drafty.wif. You could give your draft and thus the downloaded file a custom name by selecting it and changing the name at the draft viewer before downloading.