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44 docs tagged with "advanced"

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add margins

Encases one structure within another by adding the second structure to the top, left, bottom and/or right of the draft.

all possible structures

This operation generates a list of every possible valid structure for a draft of a given size and allows the user to iterate through that list. We define valid as having at least one interlacement in every warp end and weft pick. Selecting size 4 creates 22874 valid structures. You can enter any selection number between 1-22874 to see the structure associated with that number.

assign draft to systems

Given a user specified pattern for the weft (a b c) and warp systems (1 2 3), this function will create a draft that follows those system patterns and then maps the input draft to the systems specified.

chaos sequence

Made in collaboration Jacqueline Wernimont, Molly Morin and Nikki Stevens to explore non-deterministic drafts. Tiles the input drafts, randomly selecting which draft to place at which position. At each position, it randomly rotates the draft by either 90, 180 or 270 degrees.


Converts all the interlacements in the input draft to be raised.

complex twill

In this context, a complex twill is a straight twill with multiple ratios of interlacement in a single structure unit so that a 2 2 3 3 pattern describes a structure with two raised warp ends, two lowered ends, three raised ends, and three lowered ends. Each successive pic begins the same pattern of interlacement on an adjacent warp end, creating a diagonal pattern.


Crops the structure or pattern to a region of the input draft. The crop size and placement are defined by the parameters. This operation follows a model similar to graphics editing software where one specifies the x,y coordinates of the top left of the crop and then the width and height to "cut out". You can also use trim to do the same thing using different parameters.

cut, (a, b) => (a NAND b)

Applies binary math to two drafts. To do so, it looks at each interlacement in input drafts a and b. If a and b are both marked as having warped raised, it changes the value to warp lowered, effectively cutting the black cells in b from a. This is the opposite of mask

deinterlace wefts

Creates multiple draft by splitting each pic from the input and assigning it to separate drafts. If the factor of two, two drafts are created. The first with all the odd pics and the send with all the even. If 3 is selected, three drafts are created, and so on

diff, (a, b) => (a NEQ b)

Applies binary math to two drafts. To do so, it looks at each interlacement in input drafts a and b and it returns a black cell in any location where the two draft cells were different


Fills black cells of the first input, “pattern,” with the draft specified by the second input, and the white cells with draft specified by the third input.

glitch satin

This experimental function was designed to algorithmically generate structures that resemble satins that include non-repeating units.

image map

Uploads an image and creates an input for each color found in the image. Assigning a draft to the color fills the color region with the selected draft.

interlace warps

Creates a new draft by taking one end from each input and assigning and sequencing between those ends in the output draft.

interlace wefts

Creates a new draft by taking one pic from each input draft and assigning them to successive pics in the output draft.


Creates a draft in which each input is assigned to a layer in a multilayered structure. Assigns the first input to the top layer and so on.

layer notation

Developed in collaboration with Kathryn Walters, this operation parses a string formatted in layer notation to assign drafts to different warp and weft patterns on different layers of cloth. Layers are represented by () so (1a)(2b) puts warp 1 and weft a on layer 1, warp 2 and weft b on layer 2. You can read in detail about the specific notation used, and how it is interpreted on the layer notation glossary page.

mask, (a,b) => (a AND b)

Applies binary math to two drafts. To do so, it looks at each interlacement in input drafts a and b If a is marked warp raised and b marked warp raised, it sets the corresponding interlacement in the output draft to warp raised. Otherwise, the interlacement is marked warp lowered. This effectively masks draft a with draft b

overlay multiple

This function will take the lifted heddles within each draft and combine them to make a composite draft whereby each draft can be understood to be overlaid upon each other. The resulting draft size is recalculated in order to ensure equal repeats

overlay, (a,b) => (a OR b)

Applies binary math to two drafts. To do so, it looks at each interlacement in input drafts a and b. If either interlacement a or b are marked as warp lifted, the resulting draft will have a warp raised in that location.

pattern across length

Given a series of letters (a b c), this operation will associate a draft with each letter, and then arrange following the pattern order

pattern across width

Given a series of letters (a b c, etc), this operation will associate a draft with each letter, and then arrange those drafts from left to right following the pattern order


Generates a structure by shifting the first row (described by the input string), the number of shifts specified on each row. This operation interprets the term "satin" loosely as a repeating pic that is shifted 1 or more positions on each successive pic.


Creates a sawtooth pattern (e.g. mountain/valley zigzag) of a user specified width with a user specified number of teeth in the sawtooth as described by the segments parameter


Adds a selvedge of so many ends on both sides of the input draft, 'draft.' The second input, 'selvedge,' determines the selvedge pattern, and if none is given, a selvedge is generated.

set atop, (a, b) => b

Applies binary math to two drafts. To do so, it looks at each interlacement in input drafts a and b. If a is marked warp raised and b marked warp lowered, or vice versa, it sets the corresponding interlacement in the output draft to warp raised.

shaded satin

Satin is a family of weave structures that create cloth with weft floats on one face of the fabric and warp floats on the other. The succeeding interlacements of warp and weft threads in each row occur on non-adjacent warp threads, creating a smooth surface of floating threads on each face. The number of ends between succeeding warp interlacements is consistent in each row (i.e. a 2/8 satin will have one raised warp end followed by a weft float over 8 warp ends in each row). Shaded satins typically use more than just one raised warp on each pic to control the visibility of the warp or weft colors proportionally.

sine wave sample

A sine wave is a mathematical function that produces values that repeats periodically over a given time window. When visualized, it looks like smooth curves traveling over and under a midpoint. In AdaCAD, a sine way is determines the position of a single interlacement along the ends of a structure.

splice in ends

Splices the ends of the splicing draft input draft into the receiving draft. You can use the parameters to describe if you want the entire draft spliced in, or to splice the draft in end by end and the amount of ends between each insertion.

splice in pics

Splices the pics of the splicing draft input draft into the receiving draft. You can use the parameters to describe if you want the entire draft spliced in, or to splice the draft in pic by pic and the amount of pics between each insertion.


Trims off the edges of an input draft according to the parameters described below.

undulate warps

Given a user specified input of a series of number, it shifts every end by the value specified in the corresponding location of the user specified input. For example, if 1 3 1 is entered, it shifts the first end to the down by 1, second to the down by 3, third down by 1

undulate wefts

Given a user specified input of a series of number, it shifts every pic by the value specified in the corresponding location of the user specified input. For example, if 1 3 1 is entered, it shifts the first pic to the right by 1, second to the right by 3, third by 1

upload draft

This operation allow you to upload drafts that you may have previously created and saved as black and white images, or bitmap files into the workspace. If you upload a file that is not black and white, it will automatically convert pixels to black and white based on their color value.

variable length sampler

Given a series of letters and numbers (a100 b200 c300), this operation will associate a draft with each letter, and then arrange those drafts from top to bottom following the pattern order. The numbers next to each letter describe the number of pics upon which the specified pattern should be repeated

variable width sampler

Given a series of letters and numbers (a100 b200 c300), this operation will associate a draft with each letter, and then arrange those drafts from left to right following the pattern order. The numbers next to each letter describe the number of ends upon which the specified pattern should be repeated


Waffle weave is a twill-based structure in which warp and weft floats of increasing and then decreasing lengths are bound by a border of tabby interlacements to create a grid of cells. Waffle-ish was a first attempt at making waffles that failed, but in the process, made some interesting results. Use waffle if you would like the correct version. This attempts to fit a diamond shape within the ends/pics specified and to knock out values within the central diamond to create binding rows.