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all possible structures

This operation generates a list of every possible valid structure for a draft of a given size and allows the user to iterate through that list. We define valid as having at least one interlacement in every warp end and weft pick. Selecting size 4 creates 22874 valid structures. You can enter any selection number between 1-22874 to see the structure associated with that number.



  • size: a number that represents the number of ends and pics in the structure (3 or 4 only)
  • selection: the id number of the structure to display.


Using this to generate tie-ups for 4-shaft drafts or profile drafts helps visualize variations of the drawdown based on changes in the tieup.


adacad id: combos

Index of All Possible Structures​

This images below show every possible draft that is generated by the All Possible Structures operation for drafts of size 3 and 4.

3x3 Drafts​


4x4 Drafts​

file file file file