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pattern across length

Given a series of letters (a b c), this operation will associate a draft with each letter, and then arrange following the pattern order



  • pattern: a series of letters, separated by a space, that describe the order in which you'd like the drafts to repeat.


warp-pattern: this optional inlet allows you to assign warp materials and systems to the output.

Dynamic Inlets​

A single inlet will be created for each letter in your pattern. For example, if your pattern is "a a b b c c d d" it will create inlets for a, b, c, and d. The draft you connect to each of those inlets will be treated as a repeating block and will repeat the amount of times indicated by the pattern.


When this operation is given input drafts with a different number of warp ends, it automatically expands the output region such that each pattern will repeat evenly along the warp. For example, if the inputs have 5 pics and 6 ends, the output will have 30 ends (the least common multiple of 5 and 6) and the input patterns will be filled within those regions.



Can be used for profile drafting and describing repeating patterns along the length the cloth. Can also be useful for creating treadlings and lift plans from component patterns.


adacad id: weft_profile