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sine wave sample

A sine wave is a mathematical function that produces values that repeats periodically over a given time window. When visualized, it looks like smooth curves traveling over and under a midpoint. In AdaCAD, a sine way is determines the position of a single interlacement along the ends of a structure.



  • ends: the number of ends wide to make the resulting structure
  • amplitude: the number of picks tall for this structure. We use the term "amplitude" here to align with the conventional naming for sine functions
  • frequency: the frequency of a wave, such as a sine way describes the number of times the wave travels over and under its midpoint in a given time span. In music, this frequency results in a tone but in this function, it results in the interlacements being described along the amplitude.


While not an established weaving technique, the production of sine waves can produce really interesting threading and treadling patterns.


adacad id: sine